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Monday, March 24, 2014

A Quest of Heroes by Morgan Rice

A Quest of Heroes (The Sorcerer's Ring #1)

3.47 of 5 stars
A QUEST OF HEROES (BOOK #1 IN THE SORCERER’S RING) revolves around the epic coming of age story of one special boy, a 14 year old from a small village on the outskirts of the Kingdom of the Ring. The youngest of four, the least favorite of his father, hated by his brothers, Thorgrin senses he is different from the others. He dreams of becoming a great warrior, of joining the King’s men and protecting the Ring from the hordes of creatures on the other side of the Canyon. When he comes of age and is forbidden by his father to try out for the King’s Legion, he refuses to take no for an answer: he journeys out on his own, determined to force his way into King’s Court and be taken seriously.

But King’s Court is rife with its own family dramas, power struggles, ambitions, jealousy, violence and betrayal. King MacGil must choose an heir from amongst his children, and the ancient Dynasty Sword, the source of all their power, still sits untouched, waiting for the chosen one to arrive. Thorgrin arrives as an outsider and battles to be accepted, and to join the King’s Legion.

Thorgrin comes to learn he has mysterious powers he does not understand, that he has a special gift, and a special destiny. Against all odds he falls in love with the king’s daughter, and as their forbidden relationship blossoms, he discovers he has powerful rivals. As he struggles to make sense of his powers, the king’s sorcerer takes him under his wing and tells him of a mother he never knew, in a land far away, beyond the Canyon, beyond even the land of the Dragons.

Before Thorgrin can venture out and become the warrior he yearns to be, he must complete his training. But this may be cut short, as he finds himself propelled into the center of royal plots and counterplots, ones that may threaten his love and bring him down—and the entire kingdom with him.

With its sophisticated world-building and characterization, A QUEST OF HEROES is an epic tale of friends and lovers, of rivals and suitors, of knights and dragons, of intrigues and political machinations, of coming of age, of broken hearts, of deception, ambition and betrayal. It is a tale of honor and courage, of fate and destiny, of sorcery. It is a fantasy that brings us into a world we will never forget, and which will appeal to all ages and genders. It is 82,000 words. Book #2 in the series will be published soon.(less)
Kindle Edition, 346 pages
Published November 29th 2012 by Morgan Rice

Word Frequency 
Check out the summarized list of frequency of each word in this book. 
We search for 347 bad words. 
This eBook contains 7 bad words:

The words used in this book are shown in black and the bad words we search for are highlighted in red.

Readability Statistics
Check out the suggested reading level and grade of this book.
The following list includes 35 different formulas. 

Name                                       Value
Words 82882
Unique Words 5751
Characters 448358
Characters In Words 347349
Sentences 7805
Average Word Length 4.2
Average Sentence Length 44.5
Average Words Per Sentence 10.6
Long Words (7 or more characters) 11503
Short Words (3 or fewer characters) 36893
Syllables 108299
Monosyllabic Words 63211
Polysyllabic Words (3 or more syllables) 4635

Automated Readability Index 3.6
Coleman Index 6.1
Coleman-Liau Index 8.9
Dale Chall Readability Index 6.6
Dale Chall Readability Grade Level         7 - 8
Degrees Of Reading Power (DRP) 53
Degrees Of Reading Power Grade Level 5
Fang Easy Listening Formula 3
Fang Easy Listening Interpretation         Easy
Farr-Jenkins-Patterson Score 80
Farr-Jenkins-Patterson Reading Ease        Easy
Flesch Reading Ease Score 86
Flesch Reading Ease                        Easy
Flesch Reading Ease Grade Level 6
Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level 4
Flesch-Kincaid Reading Age 9
Fry Readability Grade Level 4
Fry Readability Reading Age 9
FORCAST Grade Level 8.6
FORCAST Reading Age 13.6
Gunning Fog Index (FOG) 6.5
Gunning Fog Reading Age 11.5
Henshall formula 1713.9
Johnson Readability 23.7
Johnson Grade Level 5
Lexical Density 6.9
Laesbarhedsindex (LIX) Index 24
Laesbarhedsindex (LIX) Readability         Very Easy
Laesbarhedsindex (LIX) Grade Level         Less than 5
Linsear Write Readability 4.9
McAlpine EFLAW© Test 15.3
McAlpine EFLAW© Readability                Very Easy
Miyazaki EFL Readability Index 65.8
Power-Sumner-Kearl Grade Level 4.6
Power-Sumner-Kearl Reading Age 9.6
Rate Index (RIX) 1.5
Rate Index (RIX) Grade Level 5
Raygor Readability Grade Level 5
SMOG Score 7.5
SMOG Index 7
SMOG Reading Age 12
Spache Readability Index (Original) 2.8
Spache Readability Index (Revised) 2.4
Wheeler Smith Index 23.9
Wheeler Smith Grade Level 3

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